How to remove ammonia gas? Ammonia is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas commonly used in the production of fertilizers, cleaning products and refrigerants. While ammonia has many important industrial applications, it is also a hazardous substance that poses serious health risks if not handled properly. Ammonia in high concentrations can cause respiratory problems, eye irritation and even death. To prevent these risks, ammonia must be removed from the air. In this article, we'll discuss several methods for removing ammonia.
1.Ammonia gas removal by ventilation
One of the easiest ways to remove ammonia is through ventilation. Ammonia gas is lighter than air and will rise, so it's important to place exhaust fans or vents high in the room. This will help clear the area of the gas quickly and reduce the risk of exposure. However, ventilation alone may not be sufficient to remove all ammonia from the air. This method can only reduce the content of ammonia in the gas in a fixed area but cannot perform final purification treatment on the discharged ammonia.
2.Ammonia gas removal by absorb
Another way to remove ammonia is through absorption. This involves using a material to absorb the gas and then removing the material from the area. Several materials are available for absorption, including activated carbon, zeolites, and sulfuric acid. Activated charcoal is a popular choice because it is readily available and can be easily regenerated. Zeolites are another effective material for ammonia removal because they have a high surface area and can selectively adsorb ammonia. Sulfuric acid is another option, but is more dangerous to handle and requires more complicated equipment. Therefore, we usually recommend the use of activated carbon adsorption equipment for ammonia treatment.
3.Ammonia gas removal by scrub
Scrubbing is another way to remove ammonia from the air. This involves passing the gas through a liquid scrubber, which contains a chemical solution that reacts with the ammonia. This reaction produces a salt, which can be easily removed from solution. Some common ammonia scrubbing solutions include water, sulfuric acid, and sodium hydroxide. We typically add these solutions to our wet scrubber equipment to treat ammonia.
4.Ammonia gas removal by biofiltration
Biofiltration is a process that uses microorganisms to break down pollutants in the air. This is an effective way to remove low concentrations of ammonia from the air. The process involves passing the gas through a filter bed containing microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, that break down the ammonia gas into harmless compounds. Biofiltration is a sustainable and cost-effective method for ammonia removal, but it may not be effective for high concentrations of ammonia.Moreover, the production and existence of microorganisms have higher requirements on the environment, and the implementation is more difficult. Maintenance is also relatively difficult.
5.Ammonia gas removal by plasma treatment
Plasma treatment is a relatively new method of removing ammonia from the air. This involves passing the gas through a plasma reactor, which uses electrical energy to break down ammonia into its constituent elements. The resulting gas can then be removed from the air. Plasma treatment is an effective method for removing ammonia, but it requires complex equipment and can be expensive.
To sum up, the methods for removing ammonia in the air mainly include ventilation method, absorption method, washing method, biological filtration method, plasma treatment method and so on. The choice of method will depend on the concentration of ammonia, the size of the area and available resources. It is important to follow proper safety procedures when handling ammonia.
The ammonia treatment equipment produced by our company usually combines scrubbing and adsorption. In a treatment system, wet scrubbing equipment is used to scrub ammonia-containing gas and then activated carbon equipment is used for adsorption to achieve higher treatment efficiency.